Monday, September 17, 2018

The Sacred Intersection

Today’s Reflection

IT’S EASY TO MAKE a narcissistic career out of spiritual growth. After all, theology is fascianating. Kindred spirits are usually wonderful folks to be with; retreats are relaxing; books are compelling.
However, the beautiful process of spiritual growth moves in a cycle of blessing that doesn’t stop with me, mine, and my development. It moves outward in a dynamic flow.
As lofty as that sounds, we know from experience that sometimes decisions about where to invest our time, money, and energy can vex and overwhelm us. Ideally, our inner work energizes our outer work, and we become less attached to what others think, what they expect of us, and whether they approve of us. We become less chameleon-like in allowing others to dictate and define who we are.
Our decisions about intentional service need to emerge from a thoughtful, reflective place where we weigh the needs around us and see where they intersect with our gifts, graces, and passions. That sacred intersection points to our place of service at any given time.

– Linda Douty
Rhythms of Growth