Saturday, February 23, 2019

I Thirst

FOR WHAT DO WE THIRST? Theologian and humanitarian Jean Vanier points out that to be thirsty in biblical language is to be “dried up inside,” “to feel totally empty and in anguish.” To be thirsty is to long for love, acceptance, and affirmation. In other words, it is to thirst for a heart-to-heart connection with the living and loving God.
—Trevor Hudson
Pauses for Lent: 40 Words for 40 Days

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Upper Room


Today’s Reflection

LET CHRIST be born in you!
Let hope be born,
Let love be born.
Let newness of heart be born in you!
Let gentleness be born,
Let truth be born.
Let concern for the poor be born in you!
Let generosity be born,
Let compassion be born.
Let close communion with God be born in you!
Let prayer be born,
Let action be born.
Let the faith to take up your cross and follow be born in you!
And let it lead you in the ways of our Lord,
For the sake of our Lord. Now and always. Amen.

– Alive Now

Monday, November 26, 2018

Pray Without Ceasing

Today’s Reflection

PAUL SPEAKS OF praying “without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
It is not as hard as it sounds, really. You merely learn to be aware of God’s presence with you all the time, whatever you are doing.
A friend who commutes to work says that he sits and communes with God every time he stops at a traffic light. You can do it every time you open the refrigerator. Or when you brush your teeth.
The point is simply to turn your thoughts toward God at many specific times each day.
One way to do this is to practice remembering God when you are performing one specific action all week. When you are making the bed, for instance. Or setting the table. Or checking your mail. Or walking to school. Then, for the next week, pick another action.
– John Killinger
Beginning Prayer