Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Attitude of Gratitude in Any Circumstances

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.
 Enter His gates with thanksgiving, And His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him; bless His name.

The Spirit and Art of Conflict Transformation

LISTENING IS AN ART, a spiritual practice. … Listening speaks to one of our deepest needs, to be understood or feel understood. Yes, we might like people to agree with us, take our side, but it is a great gift when we feel that the person understands us, even if the person does not agree with us. … Listening acknowledges and honors the other’s uniqueness with his or her own stories and truths. We each need to tell our story, and we each need to hear the other’s story. Being listened to provides the opening we need to tell our stories, to express feelings and ideas we would otherwise be afraid to voice.

~Thomas Porter

Monday, November 13, 2017

November , 3o Days of Thanksgiving

 Day 13: I a thankful to share Jesus
                                                                                                                       PRAISE DIFFERS FROM thanksgiving, which is offered for a specific reason or a particular gift. Praise does not depend on any single deed or gift of God. It is a prayer, chorus, or hymn directed to God out of endless wonder from our endless discovery of who God is.
Praise goes beyond thanksgiving to express our amazement at God’s concern for us that exceeds our expectation, merit, or imagination. Thus, praising God begins in surprise. God provides more. God is more than we had hoped or dared to imagine.
Offer a prayer of praise today for God’s surprising goodness in your life.

Disciplines 2015
From page 166 of The Upper Room Disciplines 2015: A Book of Daily Devotions

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Black Hawk Down

The film takes place in 1993 when the U.S. sent special forces into Somalia to destabilize the government and bring food and humanitarian aid to the starving population. Using Black Hawk helicopters to lower the soldiers onto the ground, an unexpected attack by Somalian forces brings two of the helicopters down immediately. From there, the U.S. soldiers must struggle to regain their balance while enduring heavy gunfire


Freedom Is Not Free

Pray for our military , families, and Allies

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Morning and Evening Meditations

to rest and remember
that there is nothing I have to do,
nothing I have to buy or sell,
nothing I have to produce or consume
in order to become who I already am:
your beloved creation.
May your overworked creation
and those who cannot rest today
come to know the liberation of your sabbath.

~Sam Hamilton-Poore
Earth Gospel: A Guide to Prayer for God’s Creation 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A capable wife who can find?
   She is far more precious than jewels.
The heart of her husband trusts in her,
   and he will have no lack of gain.
She does him good, and not harm,
   all the days of her life.
She seeks wool and flax,
   and works with willing hands.
She is like the ships of the merchant,
   she brings her food from far away.
She rises while it is still night
   and provides food for her household
   and tasks for her servant-girls.
She considers a field and buys it;
   with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.
She girds herself with strength,
   and makes her arms strong.
She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.
   Her lamp does not go out at night.
She puts her hands to the distaff,
   and her hands hold the spindle.
She opens her hand to the poor,
   and reaches out her hands to the needy.
She is not afraid for her household when it snows,
   for all her household are clothed in crimson.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Good day,
It is very interesting to be in my situation :
I am going blind, deaf, my bones receive no blood; I have a bionic heart that needs a medicine which is rat poison.

I will tell you the rest , when I m not so tired. Thanks for your pryers.. may God Bless you

Creativity and Divine Surprise

THE JEWISH PHILOSOPHER Philo of Alexandria is credited with saying, “Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” That wisdom not only offers good advice about how to treat others but also provides excellent counsel about how to treat yourself when you commit to traveling inward. Be kind to yourself. While it may feel at times as if you are fighting a great battle, the effort is worthwhile. Though difficult, the journey leads to a place of deep peace.

~Karla M. Kincannon
Creativity and Divine Surprise 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Through the Mail Slot

THREE YEARS AGO a young neighbor with special needs and disadvantages insinuated herself into my life. At my front door looking for daily attention, she would flip open the mail slot, align her eyes with the narrow slit, and scope out my living area. Harboring wild-eyed fear of my cat, she stayed outside, sometimes silent, sometimes stammering.
And there she was, [one Sunday] afternoon, a pair of brown eyes spying on my guests as they ate cheese and crackers. Half an hour later, craning her neck, she watched me, sitting at the end of the dining table directing the flow of bowls and platters. Back in the living room eating pie, we all were aware of the metallic click as she’d run off, distracted, before returning to her eagle-eye perch.
I knew I was not powerless in the situation. I could have latched the screen door. Or asked her mother to call her home. But with a brief apology and explanation to my guests, I followed my heart: Let her stay. She’s unaccustomed to place settings and sitting in place. Let her see this ordered gathering. Let her observe how I host a meal.
Three years older now, she walks around the cat in the living room. She grates cabbage for slaw and fills the pepper grinder in the kitchen. She sets the table when I’m expecting company. “Knife on the right.” She looks puzzled. “You write with your right,” I whisper.
God, give me a vision for passing along to a younger generation what I’ve observed in and absorbed from older mentors.

– Evelyn Bence
Room at My Table